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I know how hard it can be to have to eat certain foods and try to figure out what you can and can't have. Since I can't have dairy, sugar, soy, wheat, or gluten, I have had to learn to substitute food items for other things. Now I know some things just can't be substituted but there are some things that are better than the original.

Milk- When substituting for milk, it really isn't that hard. Most grocery stores have almond milk, soy milk, and various other types of milk. Since I can't have any of those types of milk, I had to find another solution. We have found some flax milk and I am not sure I would give it a perfect 10 out of 10. It definitely had a similar taste to milk and it wasn't the worst thing I'd ever had. If you really need milk for something but can't have regular milk or any other substitutes, you could give flax milk a try. Another good substitute is coconut milk. Coconut milk can't be used for everything but it is a good way to make stuff creamy and a little coconuty.

Ice Cream- So I know ice cream kind of goes along with the milk category but I think it needs its own. Not being able to eat ice cream is definitely one of the more challenging foods to keep myself away from. I like to use frozen fruit, coconut milk, vanilla, and honey to make a fruity ice cream. I am well aware that it is far from a nice bowl of cookie dough ice cream but it is a healthier and fun option.

Chips- Chips used to be my go-to snack after a long day of school. They were easy and delicious. Since I have to eat everything healthy, original chips are no longer an option. My family and I have been able to find bean and lental chips. To my surprise, the bean chips I get aren't too different from tortilla chips. I use them for guacamole and salsa. The lental chips are more similar to soft potato chips. They are great for just snacking and also for any other dipping sauce.

Eggs- I am guessing that you are thinking how can you substitute eggs? That's crazy. That is what I thought too at first but as my family and I have adjusted more to my diet, we have tried some new things as well. There is a recipe in the book my nutritionist gave me for flax eggs. It is a flax seeds and water ratio and you let it set 15 minutes before you need it. I will say that this recipe isn't always the best way to go. Some recipes that call for real egg and you use flax egg in just need the fluffiness a real egg has so the food could come out a little flat.

There is a lot more substitutions I could mention but these are the ones my family and I use the most. If you have a substitutions of your own, I would love to hear them in the comments or in a private email, . I would also love to know if you try any of my substitutions.


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