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I did it! I did my sermon and it wasn't as bad as my mind told me it would be. I would actually do it again. It is for sure scary and out of my comfort zone and I did think about running out when I was called up, but I did it and I am proud of myself. I honestly thought I would freeze up the second I got up there because I would be so nervous but my amazing youth was lifting me up as I spoke. I am super grateful for this wonderful experience and my awesome church!

Allergies have been pretty bad this last week and my body is feeling it. Asthma and eczema go hand in hand but I was surprised when my asthma was flaring up this week. For some reason when my eczema is bad, my asthma is near non-existent and the other way around. I had to do a breathing treatment this week which is the first one I have done all year. Spring allergies are not fun, anyone who has bad allergies will understand.

While asthma sucks, I am kind of excited because that means my eczema is getting better. I still have rough days but I am having more good than bad which is amazing. God is so good! While writing this blog post, I happened to go look back at a post I had in January. It was the one where I took pictures of my face all that week and showed my eczema throughout the week. I am truly amazed by how much progress I have made. I literally don't have words to explain how good God is and to express my love for Him. John 16:33 says, " I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." This verse shows how powerful God is and compared to His power, my situation doesn't seem that big anymore. All I have to say is, GOD IS SO GOOD.


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