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I was on Instagram today and I was just watching some stories on my Jewel Among The Stones account when this girl I follow who also has eczema was sharing her story. I started watching it but I decided to click through a little bit. Then I stopped when I heard her talking about Dupixent. I was intrigued so I started listening to it. This girl has been struggling with TSW ( Topical Steroid Withdrawal) for 5 years now. She tried Dupixent and it worked for clearing her body but her face flairs got worse so she stopped taking it. Now, I know with eczema, not everything works for different people. I've tried things when I had super bad eczema that other people said worked great for them but didn't work for me. I feel like it really just dawned on me that eczema has a mind of its own. There are so many triggers and so many factors to it. That's why it is a uncured chronic illness. For me, Dupixent has been a big blessing. But for this girls case, it made things worse. I just find it so crazy how different things work and don't work for different people. It reminds me of a bible verse, " For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb," Psalm 139. Every single one of us is different and has our own different stories. God knew exactly how we were going to be and He did it for a reason. Sometimes it is hard to see it in the moment, but what we go through will be used for His glory and to spread the good news. God has a plan for each and every one of us. It is what you do with the trials. Don't lose faith or hope because you don't understand. God understands and sees the bigger picture. "'For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,"' Jeremiah 29:11.

I also want to encourage anyone who feels hopeless to talk to someone. Have someone pray for you and just simply talk about what's been going on. God wants you to talk to Him and I'm sure there are plenty of other people who would love to encourage you and build you up. " Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing," 1 Thessalonians 5:11.


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