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So I'm sure y'all are wondering what the surprise is that I mentioned from last week. Unfortunately, the surprise won't be revealed this week because it hasn't been delivered yet. So today's post is going to be a Dupixent update.

I have been on Dupixent for almost 2 months now. I was a little weary at first but it has been working great for me. I have noticed a huge difference since before I started it. I remember after a few weeks of being on Dupixent, I said to my mom that it sucks that it's working so well because I didn't want to be on it in the first place. But my mom reminded me that we picked this option so we want it to work, even if it wasn't our first choice. We prayed that this was the right decision and that God would bless me and He has. I haven't had any of the possible side effects like leaky eyes and/or vision issues. The only thing I can complain about it is that a day or two before my next dupixent dose, my face starts to get red again and my body is itchy. I overall, am very pleased with how well it is working and how I don't have the side effects. Thank God! He is truly amazing.

Since I have been on Dupixent for so long and I have made so much progress, I have decided to finally share some pictures of when my eczema was at its peak of awfulness.

This is my before and after pictures. The first one was taken on July 29th. The second one was taken exactly a week ago. God has blessed Dupixent and blessed me! I know my skin isn't 100% perfect all of the time but it is way better than it has been over the last few months. I also want to give a special thanks to Gigi, Reese's grandma. She shared her testimony with me about how she has to take something that possibly had bad side effects and she has had none of them. She really helped me have faith that everything would be okay.


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