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I saw this thing on Instagram the other day that was how to talk and act to someone who has eczema. I could relate to every single thing it said. I wanted to share some of the things it said. I will be saying her points and then saying my own thoughts about each point. Go follow skinparadise.nutrition on Instagram!

The first point it has is "don't point it out". This is a huge deal for me. I am already super aware of how I look and saying something about just makes it worse. It can also make someone feel embarrassed, more self conscious, and ashamed.

The next thing it had on the list is "if the skin topic comes up, be gentle with your words". When talking about skin, it is hard enough to talk about just the eczema, let alone everything else that goes comes along with it. If someone does want to talk about it, don't push them and just listen.

Number three is "avoid offering advice". Unless you have had eczema, it is hard to hear advice from other people. They don't understand what is happening in my body and neither do I most of the time. It is also hard for my parents because they are trying everything they can and hearing advice makes them feel not good enough.

The next one is one I struggle with a lot. It's "look into their eyes and not at their skin". Looking at my skin and not at my eyes can make me feel uncomfortable and sometimes give me more stress. Try to focus on their eyes and connect with them rather than analyzing them.

The fifth point is "don't dismiss someone's discomfort because you think it's only 'dry skin'". Eczema is a lot more than just dry skin. It's the itchiness, the burning, the discomfort, and everything in between. Nobody understand how bad it is until you have it so don't discount someone's feelings.

Last but not least, " be aware of their mental health, can't be sure how eczema may be affecting it". Eczema doesn't just affect how you feel on the outside, it also affects how you feel on the inside. People with eczema have a 12% greater risk for anxiety and a 14% greater risk for depression. Eczema affects every person differently so don't jump to conclusions but just check up on the person and show you love them.

Anyone who has eczema knows that it is a constant struggle, even when you are slowly getting better. Just try your best when talking to someone with eczema to act like they aren't different. Keep these things in mind and just show as much love as possible.

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