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Updated: Jul 6, 2020

What does it mean to be a jewel among the stones? It means being unique in a world where everyone is expected to be perfect. It means being yourself even when it's hard. I am a jewel among the stones because I have eczema and food allergies.

I was born with both and still struggle with them. I am deathly allergic to all nuts, finding this out when I had a reaction to a cashew and was lucky to be going home. It was hard for me growing up and going to a birthday party and not eating cake while everybody else was. I also have eczema which is a skin condition which makes your skin red, inflammed, itchy, and very sensitive. I have always had eczema but in the last year, it has gotten really bad. I used to just have eczema in the creases of my arms and legs but it has gradually grown to almost cover my whole body. It was hard going to school and trying to cover myself because I didn't want anybody to see it. The coronavirus is a very unfortunate thing that is happening but has made it easier on me so I don't have to be self consious about going to school.

Recently, I have started seeing a nutritionist for my eczema. Eczema is stemmed from bad gut health so if you get the gut heathly first, the ezcema should get better. My nutritionist put me on a 100% clean food diet which means no gluten, dairy, eggs, or sugar. It hasn't been easy but it's been paying off. Even my family members are saying they feel better from going clean. Since I have started the diet, my eczema has been 50% less itchy and red. To see the results of the diet makes it worth it for me even when it's hard. I can't give all the credit to the diet though because God is also a huge part of my skin feeling and looking better. God works in different ways than we might want but it all works out in the end. Through all of my eczema, food allergies, and the pandemic, God has been an amazing light in my life. I believe my eczema is being used as an example of God's amazing power and healing.


(Jewel Among the Stones)

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