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It is officially MARCH! This year has flown by so fast. March is always a big month for my family because mine and my sister's birthdays are both in March. My sister turns 13! That is so surreal to me. I remember my 13th birthday like it was yesterday and now she is already turning 13. While Kyra's birthday is a very momentous birthday, I caught myself thinking that since I'm turning 17, it's not that big of a deal since it's not a "big" birthday. I was thinking that it's just another year. It's not like I get my license like I did when I was 16 or it's not like when I turn 18 and I'm a legal adult. While I was thinking this, I caught myself. God gave me another year. He still has a purpose for me no matter what age I'm turning or if it's a "big" birthday or not. It was so easy for me to take for granted that God has given me another year. But I'm learning to always be thankful for everything. We aren't promised tomorrow but that doesn't mean we should live in fear today. We should live everyday to the fullest by getting to know God and His Word. We should focus on the things that matter and be intentional with our time. There is a song by Kevin Quinn called It's About Time. His lyrics says this, "Yeah, it's about time we started livin', like tomorrow ain't ever a given, every moment is a surrender, to the One who holds forever." Like this song says, every moment is a surrender to the One who holds forever. God has a plan for each and every life. I just read this morning in Psalm 66:9 that, "Our lives our in his hands, and he keeps our feet from stumbling." God is with us every step of the way and if we are still on this earth, He isn't done with us yet.

In the past year, God had been healing my physical self but also transforming my heart. I have grown in so many ways. I'm far from perfect but it isn't my job to be perfect. It is my job to shine God's light through me. If there is one thing I want you to get from this blog post, it is to don't take things for granted. Life is constantly moving and doesn't slow down often. But when we feel we are stuck in the chaos, just look to the Father and the chaos won't look so bad because it won't be your focus. Focus on God. Seek Him constantly. He will give you everything you need (Matthew 6:33).


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