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DUPIXENT. That is apparently the answer to everything. I have been having some stomach pain so I went to the doctors. Even the stomach doctor said that dupixent would be good for me. He said that since my skin is inflamed, it makes sense that my insides would be too. He also said that if I went on dupixent and I did have some underlying stomach problem, dupixent would help with that too. I'm honestly distraught about what to do. Almost every single doctor I've seen is telling me that dupixent is going to help but I don't know what to do. Dupixent isn't something that I can start and stop frequently. I would probably be on it for at least a year. I am going to spend a very good amount of the rest of my day praying because the only way I will know what to do is through God.

God also helped my dad and I on the way to the appointment today. We were driving on the highway and there was some road work ahead so it went from two lanes to one. The person to our left was trying to push their way into our lane and they going to hit us if we didn't move away from them. My dad honked the horn at them and was watching them to make sure they didn't side swipe us. Then all of the sudden, traffic comes to an almost stop and we have to drive on the side of the highway and slam on the breaks to not hit anyone. We were ok and didn't hit anyone but it was very frightening. The first words that came out of my mouth were "Thank God."

I hope everyone has an amazing day and may God bless y'all!


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