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This week has been a winter wonderland and it's been amazing! I love seeing the somewhat snowy roofs and the no school, although homeschool doesn't stop for some ice. But this blog post isn't about the weather.

It has been a little while since I have had a doctors appointment besides the one I just had with the gut doctor. Last Sunday, I had a zoom call appointment with a natural doctor. She is sort of like all my other natural doctors into one person. When my parents said I was having another doctors appointment, I thought that meant a whole new diet. To my surprise, I don't have a new strict diet that I have to follow. She gave me a list of a ton of foods and their histamine levels on a scale of 0 to 3. The 0 meaning not any at all to 3 which has a lot. She gave me this list so I can be aware of how much histamine I am ingesting. I am allowed to eat the 0's and 1's as much as I want but I need to be careful the 2's and try to stay away from any 3's. It was surprising to see how much stuff that is good for your body actually has a considerable amount of histamine in it. For example, spinach is a 2. I eat spinach in my smoothies every day but now we have to rethink what veggies will be added to my smoothies.

She also added some new supplements to my diet. To figure out what supplements I needed to be added into my diet, she asked me what I had eaten for the last 24 hours. It wasn't a perfect 100% match but it gave her a good idea of what I was needing in my diet. I am already taking a vitamin d supplement and a probiotic so she didn't change those but she did add in AllQlear, which is too slow down a histamine reaction fast, Quercetin, which is similar to AllQlear but it is used to slow down a histamine reaction but slower and more effective, and lastly, a liquid Calcium Magnesium supplement because I have low levels of both of those.

I thought it was overall an amazing appointment. When she was naming off things that a person with a histamine "problem" have, I have almost all of them. The hard time sleeping, headaches, bloating, and some more things that I don't remember. I am really praying that this is the best route to take, especially to get off Dupixent eventually.


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