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Ever since I found out I was going through topical steroid withdrawal, I stopped taking steroids. At first it was rough but as time went on, my skin has been doing great. I don't get hot flares on my skin when I get nervous, I don't feel self conscious about my skin, and most of all, I am just feeling myself again. Before, when I talked to new people, I felt like they were just looking at my skin even though they probably weren’t. Now, I can talk to people normally, without feeling self conscious.

I had another zoom appointment with my new natural doctor and it was one of the best appointments I’ve ever had. She said she was going to give me some enzymes and I am going to start trying to introduce some new foods so see how I react to them. I have mixed feelings about going back to eating normal food because I honestly don’t mind the diet I am on. I just don’t want to have a major setback but I know dieting for this long with as much limitations I have isn’t good for me.

We are also going to be doing a hormone test. This test is one of the best tests I will have had to do because you don’t have draw blood. You just spit in a vial. It will test if my hormones are in balance because my eczema started flaring up when female things started happening.

This has been a very informative week. I am always curious to learn more about my body and how it works. The upcoming weeks will definitely be eventful and more infomation will be coming.


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