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Updated: Aug 16, 2020

I am sure y'all are wondering why I didn't post on Thursday. I was at my best friend Reese's horse camp. She held a camp where kids learned how to ride horses, groom them, and other horse related things. I was asked by her to walk around and take pictures of everything that was going on. Here are some of those pictures.

Horse camp was a blast but preparing for it was a task in itself. I have to think about food, lotions, and much more. I had to bring 2 different lotions that I had to apply twice a day and I had to bring my face and body wash and face and body towels for a shower plus I had to find a charcoal bar because I couldn't take a charcoal bath. Other things I had to bring was my pills. I take a probiotic, vitamin D dissolvable, and a antihistamine pill. On top of all of that, I had to bring my nebulizer, epi-pens, and allergy medicine. All of that just to go have a sleepover.

When I go sleep over at my friend's house, I also have to think about food. Because I am on such a strict diet, most of the time I have to pack and take my own food. In this case, I had to bring enough food for 2 lunches, a dinner, and a breakfast. I brought some chicken breasts to cook, lunch meat chicken, bean chips, hummus, bananas, muffins, and a big jug of water. It is hard and sometimes awkward to have to bring your own food but in the end, it is worth it to keep my health and skin being and looking great.

Spending time with my friends and special occasions are totally worth the mess with packing and food. All the kids enjoyed themselves and so did I. It was amazing to know that my eczema, allergies, and asthma can't and won't get in the way of having fun and doing what you want to help others. Romans 12:13 says "Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality". I love being able to help people in any way that I can and knowing my individualities can't stop that.

If you love horses and love to read about them, you should check out Reese's blog, Horses of the Ozark Hills. She shows her love of horses through her blog and has tons of great tips for them too!


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