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This blog is going to be a little bit of randomness. I first want to start off with there are some new pictures in the gallery so go check those out!

Next I wanted to talk about church. I did something that was actually really hard for me. I went up at church and got prayed for. I am not really sure why it was so hard to me to get myself to walk up to someone and be prayed for but it was. God had been pulling on my heart to go up their and be prayed for actually for a while now. I think for me, I don't want to admit that something is different about me. I know people can see it but if I don't say it, somehow in my head, it makes me feel more secure. More normal. But God tells us to call on Him when we are in need so that is what I did.

Laston the list of randomness is my doctors appointment I had yesterday. I had a follow up appointment with my gastroenterologist. This doctor is one of my favorite doctors I have ever had. He is super open to things he doesn't know about and taking a non-conventional medicine route as well. He said their a lot we can test for leaky gut but there are some things I can do to help my potentially leaky gut. He suggested Butyrate, Biotin, fish oil, fermented foods and drinks, and probiotics. As he explained it, my nutritionist that I used to go to said that I needed to eat like 12 cups of veggies a day which is an insane amount. He said that with the Butyrate and/or the Bioton, we would be skipping the eating and growing good bacteria steps and going straight to getting nutrients from it. These things are definitely things we are going to think about and talk about as a family to see what we want to do moving forward.

This week was honestly a pretty good week and I am glad to have God on my side when things get crazy.


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