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As you known, 2 weeks ago was my 60th blog post, which is still crazy to me. A long time ago, in one of my first blog post, I told my eczema story. But a lot has changed since then and some new people have been joining the JATS crew so I thought it is time for a refresher.

I have had eczema since I was a baby. I used to have it on my face and random spots on my body. As I got older, it would only come around in certain seasons like winter and would stay in the creases of my arms and on my hands.

^ The bandaids on my hands are from my eczema. The ring around my mouth is also eczema.

When summer 2019 hit, my eczema was getting worse. I thought it was because I was outside a lot and sweating during fit for life for volleyball. But winter came along and my eczema wasn't getting any better, it was actually getting worse. It was starting to spread across my body and getting really painful. Then covid hit in March of 2020. I was so glad to not have to go to school because I was embarrassed and in pain. During 2020, my skin was a roller coaster and was constantly changing. It got so bad a few times that I actually went to the hospital. I ended up getting on Dupixent, which is a biological shot that I took every two weeks but am weaning myself off of it right now and doing every three weeks.

I am happy to report that my eczema has been getting a thousand times better. It has been a long healing process but it has been worth it. In another one of my first blog posts, I wrote about my skincare routine. It is a lot different now then it was then so I wanted to give an updated skincare routine. I only use vaseline on my face and normal lotion on the rest of my body. I used to use some kind of tea on my face when I had a flare up but I haven't been needing to use it for a few months! Obviously my skin isn't perfect but I am so grateful for my progress.

^ July 10th, 2020 ^ July 18th, 2021

If there is one thing I want people to get from journey is that it was hard, the hardest time in my life so far. But don't give up. Healing takes time and it is worth it to wait for God's timing and not yours or mine. God has blessed me through this time in my life with an amazing church family, friends to grow with me, and a blog community that is spectacular! I love you all so much and thank you for the support! <3


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