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Has someone ever told you something was going to happen one way but it doesn't fulfill that expectation? It is one of the worse feelings. I have recently been feeling like this because of my Dupixent. The doctors didn't say it outright but they told me all of these stories about people who have gotten on Dupixent and they became 100% clear. I have not gotten clear, but I have gotten better. I have come a long way since I started Dupixent, but it is a little discouraging to hear all of the stories and not get the same results.

When I went for a three month check-up on Monday to the dermatologist, they said that since my eczema isn't clear, they want me to use steroid creams to clear it up. If you have read my blog before, you know I don't like steroid or steroid creams at all. Therefore, I am not going to use them. Steroid creams are terrible for your skin and make you lose pigment in your skin, which I am just starting to get back. When I got out of the appointment, I was very upset with what they said. They basically promised clear skin and now they want to put me back on something I worked SO HARD to get off of. The steroid cream that they prescribed me to use says that you can only use it for a few weeks at a time. That is major red flag for when you put anything on your body.

Don't get me wrong, I am so thankful for how much my skin has cleared up but it is upsetting to not get results that were thrown in your face. I have been so blessed with an amazing support group through all of this. My family, friends, and church have been awesome and super loving. I also thank God for everything He does and will continue to do. He knows what I'm going through and I have no doubt He has a plan for me. 1st Peter 5:7 says, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." I love this verse because it shows how caring and loving God is.


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