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I really don't like to give bad news because it makes me sad but I have some bad news. This past week has been super stressful and it has caused my eczema to flair up.....BAD. This is the worst flair up I've ever had. My stress levels have a lot to do with my eczema and since it is summer, I haven't been stressed out but my mom had a hysterectomy last Wednesday and that put a lot of stress on me. Ever since, I haven't been able to get it back under control. My face started to swell every morning when I woke up and was super red. Tuesday morning, my parents decided to take me to the emergency room. They couldn't really do much but run some tests that all came back fine. Then later that day, we went to the dermatologists and she gave me some medicine to help since my eczema is covering 90% of my body.

If you have read my blog from the beginning, you know that there is medication that is called DUPIXENT. Dupixent is honestly what started this whole journey because I didn't want to do it. I have decided that in order to fix my gut, I have to calm the skin down first so that means doing Dupixent. I don't necessarily want to but it is our last option at this moment. I am still going to be on my diet but I have come to a stand still on what to do next. If I don't get my eczema under control, I could actually increase risk of infections and other things in the future. This is overall better for the time being but I am not going to stop trying to fix and heal my insides. Recently, I have been experiencing shakes and stomach pain. I am shaking constantly because my top layer of skin is broken and it can't keep heat in my body so I am always cold.

Through all of this, I know I will come out stronger but it is hard sometimes when all you can think about is the now. The other day I looked in the mirror when my face was swollen and red and I didn't even see myself. It was me but not on the outside. I know that beauty comes from within but just not being able to see yourself stings BUT I will not give up hope because I have a wonderful God who is always here for me and will never ever let me down. I am still praising God in the storm. I would also like to thank each and every person who is praying for me. This is a list of people that I know are praying for me, if you aren't on this list but are still praying, you are very much appreciated as well.

My mom, dad, and sister

The Raby's

The Herdon's

The Farrell's

The Rhodes’

The Morrison's

The Chitwood's

The Anderson's

The Arnold's

The Goins'

The Thiltgen's

The Heartman's

The Bradshaw's

The Smith's

The Kashubin's

The Payne's

The Frandson's

The Garrison's

The Dopp's

The Gillman's

The Dale's

The Hood's

The Jenkin’s

The Smyer’s

The Garbuzov’s

The Batterman’s

The Toynton’s

I appreciate every single person that is thinking and praying for me. You are all jewels among the stones.


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