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Updated: Nov 12, 2020

The long awaited surprise is here! I decided to reach out to a few different eczema skin companies to send me some free products to try. I emailed Honest, Gladskin, CQuell, and Bodewell. Only one company sent me a response and it was Gladskin. Not only did they respond within a few hours, but they were also super excited to send me a free eczema cream and see how it works for me. They have amazing customer service and made me feel like they wanted to see me get better.

The first thing I noticed right off the bat is how cute the packaging was. It looked very professional and well put together. On top was some facts about Gladskin and where to store it. Then was the actual eczema cream, which came in a super easy to get out the cream container.

Within the first 30 minutes, I noticed I was less red overall. Most of the time when I put on my topical steroid lotion, my face gets more red than it already was but Gladskin made my skin 30% less red. I also like the feel of it on my skin because it doesn't burn like other creams do. It almost made my face feel somewhat tingly, like it was working.

After I take as shower, my face is usually pretty red. I put on the Gladskin and it was amazing how less red it was.My face was a little swollen because I was outside and I have really bad allergies but the Gladskin helped decrease my puffiness as well.

Overall, I have been using Gladskin for about a week and I really like it. I will say that it didn't clear my eczema fully but it is helping it a lot. It isn't a steroid so I can use it long term without facing the same consequences. I would definitely recommend Gladskin for anyone who is struggling with getting their eczema under control. It is said to work for 4 out of 5 people. They were also so nice to me to send me a free bottle! Gladskin for the win!



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