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I was originally going to write a food post because I haven't done one in a while but I just couldn't get a specific three words out of my head. Turn to God. With everything that is going on in this country, it may be hard to think about the positives. One important thing that helps me stay positive is that God is in control. Nothing that is happening here is a surprise to Him. He knows what has happened, what is happening now, and what is going to happen. As I was reading my bible last night, there was a verse that really struck me. It was Matthew 9:12-13 and it says, "When Jesus heard this, He said, "'Healthy people don't need a doctor- sick people do."' The context of this verse is that Jesus is walking by a taxcollector named Matthew and he says for Matthew to follow him and be his disciple. The Pharisees are making fun of Jesus like why would you be hanging out with such scum. Now the next part of the verse is maybe more important than the first. It says, "Now go and learn the meaning of scripture". This verse can be applied to our lives in so many ways but I think right now, in this world we are living in, this verse is calling us to spread the word of God not to christians, but to people who maybe don't want to hear it. Spread the word of God to people who may have different views than you but just spread it.

I know 2020 might have left some of us frazzled but it has taught us all something. I have a prayer journal that my friend got me for Christmas and it has a gratitude section for things you are thankful for. One of the things I wrote down I was thankful for was the year 2020. It may have been one of the craziest years yet but it has taught me so much and I have grown so much with my relationship with God. Don't get me wrong, 2020 had some very rough patches but in the end, 1 or 5 years of hardship is nothing compared to an eternity in heaven with God!

My eczema has been super good the last 2 weeks and every morning I see it being good, I try and thank God. I have full faith that it has nothing to do with my dupixent or anything I am putting on. I am giving all of my thankfulness and praise to the Lord. For anyone struggling with anything God related, I challenge you to just read the bible. I was at a place when I would read the bible and it would make no sense to me. I would just read it to say I was reading the bible. But when you read it more and fully understand what it is saying, it unlocks something in you that I can't explain in words. Everytime I think about how good my God is and how much He has helped me even in the last few weeks, I am almost drawn to tears. The old Kenzie wouldn't have the courage to write this blog or even share her story to anyone. She barely told her family things and isolated herself to her room because she was ashamed of how she looked. The new Kenzie is fully courageous in God and wants to share her story to inspire other people to step out in faith.

I cannot stress enough to just TURN TO GOD! He died on the cross for you even though you may never believe in Him. That's love right there. If you are new reader or are wanting to get back into reading the bible, I would suggest reading Genesis and John first. I am also here for anyone who needs support or a place to share their ideas and opinions with.


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